Saturday, January 21, 2012

Question for Parents / Control or Influence?

Would you rather have control of your kids OR would you rather have influence?

What do you believe is the difference?

Friday, January 6, 2012

Parenting at IBC Guiding Principles

This year Irving Bible Church is launching ministry to parents. Our desire is to provide equipping and connection for parents no matter the age of their children.

When the parenting advisory team began to meet it became clear we needed guiding principle or values that would drive what we teach and how we teach it.

These principles flow from a list of values the next gen ministry is putting together to guide us in leading families with children from birth through young adulthood.

Let me know what you think.

Because every family member can benefit from other generations,

We value thoughtful opportunities for intergenerational connections.

Because true life change happens primarily in the context of relationship,

We value smaller groups that provide true community.

Because God’s heart is gracious towards us,

We value parenting that centers on grace rather than performance.

Because God's Word is living and active

We value Biblical truth as essential in parenting

Because growing means caring for those beyond our homes,

We value equipping children, youth and parents to serve our body and the world.

Because hypocrisy is the opposite of truthfulness,

We value parenting that models appropriate transparency and authenticity.

Because strategies only are situationally based,

We value parenting grounded in lasting principles which transcend life stages.

This stuff is new to us. What would you add? Is there a statement that feels out of place?

Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 Bible Reading Plan

The Bible.

It seems we should read it, study it, meditate on it and apply it. I guess I'm a little old school with it comes to the scripture.

For the last 10 years at the beginning of the year, I pray about which part of the Bible should be my focus. 2 years ago was spent in Isaiah and last year was Proverbs. This year is a little different.

It's been so long since I've read through the entire Bible I thought it would be good to find a reading plan that takes me through the entire Bible.

You Version is a great tool and what I'm using in 2012. The reading plan is called "Eat This Book".

Ok, not the greatest title in the world but I love the layout. In addition to few chapters every day, it adds a Psalm with every reading. That way when you're in the middle of Leviticus you will read a Psalm that might be more conducive for personal worship.

Here's the link to the plan...

If you don't have a plan for 2012 check this out. Let's do it together.

What's your reading plan for 2012?