Thursday, June 17, 2010


I used to hope students would flock to youth group because of my unbelievable leadership and phenomenal speaking gift. Boy was I crazy. I even hoped it would be because of Jesus but that's not usually the case either.

In reality students come to youth group because of friends and fun. Yes, we hope they'll get a little Jesus but most students aren't motivated by that.

Last night was a great reminder of how important fun is. We did a simple activity called "soaplympics" and yes it was a lot of fun. It's amazing what a water hose, tarp, soap, rope and large fruit will do for community in your youth group.

I didn't speak and no one prayed that I'm aware of, but we as a group moved even closer to community and God was truly honored.

Sure, fun isn't all we should do but it's important.

Hey, have fun out there!

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