Every once in a while I’m reminded of how important words
are. There’s a popular rhyme we
all know, “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt
me”. I’m not sure the origin of
this little saying but let’s face it, it’s a lie.
Words, positive and negative, have incredible power. We have the potential with our words to
lift the spirits of a person or add anxiety, to bring a person joy or create
Proverbs has much to say about our words and how powerful
they are. Here’s just one example.
A word fitly spoken
is like apples of gold in a setting of silver.

It made so much difference in how I was thinking and
Students are especially susceptible to words. They’re already feeling insecure and
bad about how they look and behave.
A kind / encouraging word can act as a beacon in a world where they’re
constantly hearing how insignificant they are.
When relating to others, my wife, kids, staff, students, I
want to be intentional about using words to encourage and strengthen. The power we have to influence those
around us with words is huge.
As I’m thinking through growing in this area here are a few
Be a truth teller
Don’t try to make something up just to encourage
someone. There’s nothing worse
than someone trying to blow sunshine up your skirt. It feels cheap, manipulative and confusing. As you observe others look for ways God
uniquely uses them. They may not
see it unless you tell them.
Be specific
“You’re great” isn’t as good as “I love the way you served
little Johnny other night”. Specificity can
help others see how God has uniquely wired them and is using them. The depth of encouragement is
proportionate to how specific you are.
Be consistent
Most people (especially students) already feel they don’t
measure up. They are told over and
over that they’re not good enough and will never amount to anything. As we create a culture of positive
words it can act as a rhythm that balances out the lies they are hearing.
So today as you’re interacting with those around you look
for opportunities to use your words to build. As you use words to encourage you will be lifting the souls
of those around you, and that's a good thing.
To make an apt answer is a joy to a man,
and a word in season, how good it is!
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