Purpose: To shepherd and coach Godly young adults interested in investing in students and to unleash their passion and energy to connect with IBC students and their friends on and off the church campus.
Student ministry is essentially a ministry of “being there”. Effective ministry happens when people who love Jesus meet students where they are. With relational ministry in mind we have a 2-fold hope for interns here at IBC.
Personal and Ministry Development –
The best way to learn student ministry or any ministry is not in a classroom but in the field. Young adults who are passionate about students or even considering student ministry as a career will find a great opportunity to grow and learn.
Coaching from the IBC staff as well as seeking mentors is always an effective means to develop in spiritual and ministry life. Understanding that the heart of the minister is of utmost importance, great care will be given to help interns grow in their spiritual formation.
Interns will have the opportunity to “look behind” the curtain as they participate as an integral part of the team. By attending staff meetings, helping in the planning process and providing ministry assessment interns will not only observe what happens behind the scenes of a student ministry but also participate in the leadership process. Interns have a significant seat at the student ministry leadership table.
There will also be opportunities to serve in a variety of ways with ongoing assessment and feedback from the student ministry staff.
These opportunities may include:
• teaching / speaking
• relational ministry
• event planning / production
• counseling
• small group leadership
• leadership
• you name it
Incarnational Ministry –
Any ministry that effectively disciples, connects and sends students has relationship as it’s foundational philosophy. In addition to personal growth, half of the intern’s time will be spent connecting with students where they live. This may mean lunch on high school / middle school campuses or attending a school play. Whatever students view as their territory is where interns need to spend their time.
In addition to connecting with IBC students we are very interested in reaching out to peripheral students and students who are unchurched. Yes, this can be messy but we long to see the transforming power of the gospel transform students.
Sample Weekly Schedule / Time Commitment -
With personal / ministry development and incarnational ministry as the goal each intern is expected to serve a minimum of 30 hours.
Although our goal is flexibility there are some required time commitments for the intern.
• Sunday Programming
• Weekly student ministry staff meeting
• Wednesday night programming
• Special events / retreats
• Intern Coaching gatherings
Intern Profile –
When we think about the characteristics of a person who would be a perfect match for us there are a few words that come to mind.
• Heart for students
• Teachable
• Relational
• Team player
• Fun
• Mature (relatively)
• Christlike
So do you love Jesus and have a heart to see the gospel transform students? If you’re interested contact Mary Ann Conner at Mconnor@irvingbible.org. We would love to have a conversation. Space is limited.
I think there should be a financial aid called a "David Grant".