When you're responsible to get over 200 people 12 hours away there are tons of administrative details.
Busses, vans, food, production, adult leaders, communicating to parents, rules, speakers, bands, budgets, schedules, booklets, rooming assignments...
As you know this list is just the beginning.
To pull off an effective camp you have to take care of the details. Let's be honest, youth pastors / workers are not usually known for their administrative effectiveness. It's very important we make sure all the details are accomplished. Let me say it again, SWEAT THE DETAILS.
However, I've found that as we get closer to camp it's easy to get stuck in the weeds. Here's what I mean. Sometimes you get so overwhelmed with the details you just focus on the WHAT for the trip, not the WHY.
What about some balance?
Here are some thoughts our team has been considering as we try to balance the vision of camp with the details of camp.
Camp is about God changing individual lives...
As we've looked over the lists of kids who have signed up we are constantly brainstorming who isn't on the list and why. We even grab last years sign up list to compare. If we haven't heard from a kid in a while it gives a great excuse to reach out and invite them to attend. The response has been incredible.
At the end of the day it isn't about the total number of kids at camp but each individual student and the potential of God's gospel work in their lives. We want them at camp because we believe there's something significant about taking a few days away to connect with God and one another.
Camp is about adult / student relationships...
The student ministry philosophy where I serve is built on Godly adult leaders investing in the lives of kids. Our camp reflects this philosophy. As important as getting kids there getting the right adults is crucial.
We've also found that having key leaders at camp gives them great momentum in going into their fall small group ministry. Is there a better place to deepen relationships than camp?
Camp is about God...
These few days in Gulf Shores are a part of the tremendous story God is telling. As our camp story reflects and contributes to God's story he is the one who receives the glory He is due. It's not about a person, church or even an experience. It's truly about God doing his transformative work in and through us.
It's important to get our heads above the clouds to remember what happens at camp echoes in eternity.
So, we need to make sure we take care of all the details. Communicate well and take time to work on administration but don't forget the why of camp.
Remind yourself and others about the tremendous potential that's sitting right before you. Don't miss the forest because of all the trees.
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