We're up and moving!
Check out this great / honest post by Wayne Rice on launching and leading generational ministry at his church in San Diego.
Very interesting perspective!
In Repair
Life, Student Ministry, The Next Generation
Monday, August 18, 2014
Friday, August 8, 2014
Announcing NxtGen Journal

Over the last months I've been pretty inconsistent (ok, consistently non existent) writing here.
NxtGen Journal will include myself and other practitioners in younger generation ministry. I'll write about 2/3 of the time and other people much smarter than me will fill in the gaps. We'll be posting at least 1 time a week.
As always our hope will be to provide fresh, authentic content written from the perspective of common strugglers. The focus will be on the value of thinking through next generation ministry from a holistic approach.
98% of the content will be new with a few key posts being transferred from here. Content on Inrepair will continue to live here.
To learn more you can check out nxtgenjournal.com and join the conversation. You can also follow us at @nxtgenjournal on twitter.
We hope to have great collaboration and learning as we seek to lead the next generation well.
Saturday, February 15, 2014
A Ragamuffin Thought
“The church is not a museum for saints but a hospital for sinners”
The Good News means we can stop lying to ourselves. The sweet sound of amazing grace saves us from the necessity of self-deception. It keeps us from denying that though Christ was victorious, the battle with lust, greed and pride still rages within us.
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Remember That New Year Resolution?
How's that going for you?
Well, if you're not struggling you will, especially if your focus and heart for 2014 is spiritual in nature.
Jonathan Edwards is well known for may writings but there's one list that stands above the rest. He created a list of 70, yes 70 resolutions. His heart and passion to live for the glory of God was greater than I can imagine which came out in this list.
Edward's desire to keep this list wasn't out of human effort or ego but out of a humble Christ dependent desire to live for God. His statement at the beginning of the resolutions makes this clear.
Being sensible that I am unable to do any thing without God’s help, I do humbly entreat him, by his grace, to enable me to keep these Resolutions, so far as they are agreeable to his will, for Christ’s sake.
You can find all 70 resolutions here.
Resolutions of Jonathan Edwards
But as you would might imagine, like us, he struggled to keep his resolutions. (well, there were 70)
It seemed yesterday, the day before, and Saturday, that I should always retain the same resolutions to the same height. But alas! how soon do I decay! O how weak, how infirm, how unable to do anything of myself! What a poor inconsistent being! What a miserable wretch, without the assistance of the Spirit of God! While I stand, I am ready to think that I stand by my own strength, and upon my own legs; and I am ready to triumph over my spiritual enemies, as if it were I myself that caused them to flee: — when alas! I am but a poor infant, upheld by Jesus Christ; who holds me up, and gives me liberty to smile to see my enemies flee, when he drives them before me. And so I laugh, as though I myself did it, when it is only Jesus Christ leads me along, and fights himself against my enemies. And now the Lord has a little left me, how weak do I find myself! O let it teach me to depend less on myself, to be more humble, and to give more of the praise of my ability to Jesus Christ! (January 15, 1722)
"What a poor inconsistent being!"
I'm super thankful for God's grace freely given. You?
Now, maybe I can start over...
Well, if you're not struggling you will, especially if your focus and heart for 2014 is spiritual in nature.
Jonathan Edwards is well known for may writings but there's one list that stands above the rest. He created a list of 70, yes 70 resolutions. His heart and passion to live for the glory of God was greater than I can imagine which came out in this list.
Edward's desire to keep this list wasn't out of human effort or ego but out of a humble Christ dependent desire to live for God. His statement at the beginning of the resolutions makes this clear.
Being sensible that I am unable to do any thing without God’s help, I do humbly entreat him, by his grace, to enable me to keep these Resolutions, so far as they are agreeable to his will, for Christ’s sake.
You can find all 70 resolutions here.
Resolutions of Jonathan Edwards
But as you would might imagine, like us, he struggled to keep his resolutions. (well, there were 70)
It seemed yesterday, the day before, and Saturday, that I should always retain the same resolutions to the same height. But alas! how soon do I decay! O how weak, how infirm, how unable to do anything of myself! What a poor inconsistent being! What a miserable wretch, without the assistance of the Spirit of God! While I stand, I am ready to think that I stand by my own strength, and upon my own legs; and I am ready to triumph over my spiritual enemies, as if it were I myself that caused them to flee: — when alas! I am but a poor infant, upheld by Jesus Christ; who holds me up, and gives me liberty to smile to see my enemies flee, when he drives them before me. And so I laugh, as though I myself did it, when it is only Jesus Christ leads me along, and fights himself against my enemies. And now the Lord has a little left me, how weak do I find myself! O let it teach me to depend less on myself, to be more humble, and to give more of the praise of my ability to Jesus Christ! (January 15, 1722)
"What a poor inconsistent being!"
I'm super thankful for God's grace freely given. You?
Now, maybe I can start over...
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
I Dare You…
My pastor in Atlanta would always say, "attempt something so great for God that it's doomed to failure unless God be in it".
I'm both inspired and afraid of that statement. Here's the beauty, when God leads he provides the power and receives the recognition. I'm ok with that.
So in 2014 I resolve to dream bigger, pray more passionately, collaborate with others and step out in faith. I long to seek the heart of God and recklessly obey where he leads, for His glory.
Will you join me?
I dare you.
I'm both inspired and afraid of that statement. Here's the beauty, when God leads he provides the power and receives the recognition. I'm ok with that.
So in 2014 I resolve to dream bigger, pray more passionately, collaborate with others and step out in faith. I long to seek the heart of God and recklessly obey where he leads, for His glory.
Will you join me?
I dare you.
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Christmas is Good News
Good tidings of great joy!
But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!” So you are no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God.
Merry Christmas!
But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!” So you are no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God.
Merry Christmas!
Sunday, December 22, 2013
2000 Years Ago - A Baby - So What?

Advent - "Coming"
Many focus and celebrate the beautiful truth that Christ came to us, born in a small town called Bethlehem. Others correctly emphasize a time in the future He is coming again.
Christ has come! Christ is coming again!
There's another nuance of the Advent season many forget. For me one of the most beautiful pictures of Christmas is the simple truth that Christ is the One who comes to sinners like me...every day. I need to be reminded that his transforming presence is available through His Spirit in my life and the lives of those around me.
Walt Mueller posted this quote from James Montgomery Boice this morning. It reminds us that what Jesus did 2000 years ago has profound benefit for us today.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
KIds - Show Up! Sit Down! Shut Up!
In the modern American church kids are often told to
"show up, sit down and shut up".
That's harsh and outrageous! Or is it?
Well, of course those words would never be said out loud or
posted on a sign in the student ministry area. But let's face it, that attitude
is projected by the way churches form their sermons, sing songs, do
announcements, and create budgets. Much of what happens in church screams to
kids "this isn't for you!"
Sunday, December 8, 2013
This Kind of Faith
Hebrews 10:34 (ESV)
34 For you had compassion on those in prison, and you joyfully accepted the plundering of your property, since you knew that you yourselves had a better possession and an abiding one.
Been thinking about this for 3 days. How does one obtain this kind of faith?
JOYFULLY accepting… Really?
Is it possible to trust God's goodness for the future this way?
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Questions From A Ragamuffin
I've been slowly working my way through "Ragamuffin Gospel". This morning I had to take some extra time to reflect and pray through these questions.
What do you think?
Do you live each day in the blessed assurance that you have been saved by the unique grace of our Lord Jesus Christ? After falling flat on your face, are you still firmly convinced that the fundamental structure of reality is not works but grace? Are you moody and melancholy because you are still striving for the perfection that comes from your own efforts and not from faith in Jesus Christ? Are you shocked and horrified when you fail? Are you really aware that you don’t have to change, grow, or be good to be loved?
Brennan Manning
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Pre - Convention Pep Talk
Friday, September 6, 2013
Best Network Meeting In Years
It's not rocket science...
Yesterday 10 youthworkers from our community connected to pray. Catholic, Baptist, non- denominational and para-church, we were all in the room together.
As an added bonus one of our local high school principles joined us at the beginning of the time to share some info about his particular school. Of course we were able to pray God's blessing on him.
We read Psalms of praise...
We shared personal needs and prayed for one another...
We prayed for kids and parents in our area...
And WE did it TOGETHER...
I'm so thankful for each who was in the room.
Take the time, energy and risk to connect with other youthworkers in your area. It will make a difference.
"that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me."
Yesterday 10 youthworkers from our community connected to pray. Catholic, Baptist, non- denominational and para-church, we were all in the room together.
As an added bonus one of our local high school principles joined us at the beginning of the time to share some info about his particular school. Of course we were able to pray God's blessing on him.
We read Psalms of praise...
We shared personal needs and prayed for one another...
We prayed for kids and parents in our area...
And WE did it TOGETHER...
I'm so thankful for each who was in the room.
Take the time, energy and risk to connect with other youthworkers in your area. It will make a difference.
"that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me."
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Who's The Real Youth Pastor?
I have this dream.
I dream our small group leaders would see themselves as youth pastors. I've also hoped that students and parents would see their small group leaders as their primary pastor.
For far too long our churches have leaned too heavily on the "professional pastor". At the end of the day it's not about the paid youth worker but the host of volunteers God uses.
So what do "paid" youth workers do???
"Equip God's people for works of service"
So, when I saw his fb post from one of our key volunteer leaders a little tear welled up in my eye...
"Getting ready to launch into a crazy week for work -- Detroit area (via ORD) early, and San Antonio later in the week. But what is really on my mind this morning are students at IBC. First day back at school for most. I'm excited for the newly minted Junior class, and thoughtful how we can grow together this year. Praying for them and for the host of teachers and administrators that also are back into life investment this week!"
This is what relational ministry is all about! Leaders focused on and praying for the kids God has placed on their heart. It's amazing to see who God raises up to pastor kids.
Brian is a long time leader and serves sacrificially. God has and will continue to use him to love and disciple kids.
I'm so blessed to be a part.
I dream our small group leaders would see themselves as youth pastors. I've also hoped that students and parents would see their small group leaders as their primary pastor.
For far too long our churches have leaned too heavily on the "professional pastor". At the end of the day it's not about the paid youth worker but the host of volunteers God uses.
So what do "paid" youth workers do???
"Equip God's people for works of service"
So, when I saw his fb post from one of our key volunteer leaders a little tear welled up in my eye...
"Getting ready to launch into a crazy week for work -- Detroit area (via ORD) early, and San Antonio later in the week. But what is really on my mind this morning are students at IBC. First day back at school for most. I'm excited for the newly minted Junior class, and thoughtful how we can grow together this year. Praying for them and for the host of teachers and administrators that also are back into life investment this week!"
This is what relational ministry is all about! Leaders focused on and praying for the kids God has placed on their heart. It's amazing to see who God raises up to pastor kids.
Brian is a long time leader and serves sacrificially. God has and will continue to use him to love and disciple kids.
I'm so blessed to be a part.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Next Gen - Do You Have Common Language?
In a church ministry context it's always a challenge to create and implement consistency across children, student and young adult ministries. We're trying to figure it out.
Last Saturday ALL our next gen volunteers gathered for a time of training, encouragement and inspiration. In our ministry context next gen includes...
children's ministry,
middle school ministry,
high school ministry,
college ministry,
young adult ministry and
parenting ministry.
Last Saturday ALL our next gen volunteers gathered for a time of training, encouragement and inspiration. In our ministry context next gen includes...
children's ministry,
middle school ministry,
high school ministry,
college ministry,
young adult ministry and
parenting ministry.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Training All Next Gen Leaders Together?
Student Ministry and Children's Ministry actually working together? That's kind of like the lion and the lamb hanging together.
Not just student ministry and children's ministry, this Saturday all of the leaders from children's, student, college and young adult's ministries are joining together for a day of training.
Of course there is a huge difference between a volunteer who rocks a baby and a volunteer who leads a small group of emerging adults. Of course we'll have appropriate training for specific age groups but we're super excited to have all our next gen leaders in the same room.
Here are 3 reasons we're so excited...
1) We want each leader to know that they're a part of a BIGGER story.
Student Ministry and Children's Ministry actually working together? That's kind of like the lion and the lamb hanging together.
Not just student ministry and children's ministry, this Saturday all of the leaders from children's, student, college and young adult's ministries are joining together for a day of training.
Of course there is a huge difference between a volunteer who rocks a baby and a volunteer who leads a small group of emerging adults. Of course we'll have appropriate training for specific age groups but we're super excited to have all our next gen leaders in the same room.
Here are 3 reasons we're so excited...
1) We want each leader to know that they're a part of a BIGGER story.
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